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- /*⌐ Copyright 1988-1991 UserLand Software, Inc. All Rights Reserved.*/
- #include "appletinternal.h"
- #include "font.h"
- #include "quickdraw.h"
- #define ctpens 5 /*we can remember pens up to 5 levels deep*/
- short toppens = 0;
- PenState penstack [ctpens];
- #define ctports 5 /*we can remember ports up to 5 levels deep*/
- short topport = 0;
- GrafPtr portstack [ctports];
- #define ctclip 5 /*we can remember clips up to 5 levels deep*/
- short topclip = 0;
- Rect clipstack [ctclip];
- #define ctstyle 5 /*we can remember font/size/styles up to 5 levels deep*/
- short topstyle = 0;
- struct {short fnum, fsize, fstyle;} stylestack [ctstyle];
- boolean pushpen () {
- if (toppens >= ctpens)
- return (false);
- GetPenState (&penstack [toppens++]);
- return (true);
- } /*pushpen*/
- boolean poppen () {
- if (toppens <= 0)
- return (false);
- SetPenState (&penstack [--toppens]);
- return (true);
- } /*poppen*/
- boolean pushmacport (p) GrafPtr p; {
- if (topport >= ctports) {
- DebugStr ((ConstStr255Param)"\ppushmacport: no room on stack");
- return (false);
- }
- portstack [topport++] = quickdrawglobal (thePort);
- if (p != nil)
- SetPort (p);
- return (true);
- } /*pushmacport*/
- boolean popmacport () {
- if (topport <= 0) {
- DebugStr ((ConstStr255Param)"\ppopmacport: nothing on stack");
- return (false);
- }
- SetPort (portstack [--topport]);
- return (true);
- } /*popmacport*/
- boolean pushclip (r) Rect r; {
- register RgnHandle rgn;
- if (topclip >= ctclip)
- return (false);
- GetClip (rgn = NewRgn ());
- clipstack [topclip++] = (**rgn).rgnBBox;
- DisposeRgn (rgn);
- ClipRect (&r);
- return (true);
- } /*pushclip*/
- boolean popclip () {
- if (topclip <= 0)
- return (false);
- ClipRect (&clipstack [--topclip]);
- return (true);
- } /*popclip*/
- boolean pushstyle (fnum, fsize, fstyle) short fnum, fsize, fstyle; {
- if (topstyle >= ctstyle)
- return (false);
- getfontsizestyle (
- &stylestack [topstyle].fnum,
- &stylestack [topstyle].fsize,
- &stylestack [topstyle].fstyle);
- topstyle++;
- setglobalfontsizestyle (fnum, fsize, fstyle);
- return (true);
- } /*pushstyle*/
- boolean popstyle (void) {
- if (topstyle <= 0)
- return (false);
- topstyle--;
- setfontsizestyle (
- stylestack [topstyle].fnum,
- stylestack [topstyle].fsize,
- stylestack [topstyle].fstyle);
- return (true);
- } /*popstyle*/
- short getmenubarheight (void) {
- return (GetMBarHeight ()); /*call Script Manager routine*/
- } /*getmenubarheight*/
- void localtoglobalrect (Rect *rchanged) {
- Point p1, p2;
- Rect r;
- r = *rchanged;
- p1.h = r.left;
- p1.v = r.top;
- LocalToGlobal (&p1);
- p2.h = r.right;
- p2.v = r.bottom;
- LocalToGlobal (&p2);
- Pt2Rect (p1, p2, &r);
- *rchanged = r;
- } /*localtoglobalrect*/
- void eraserect (r) Rect r; {
- EraseRect (&r);
- } /*eraserect*/
- void invalrect (r) Rect r; {
- InvalRect (&r);
- } /*invalrect*/
- static short absint (short x) {
- if (x < 0)
- x = -x;
- return (x);
- } /*absint*/
- short pointdist (Point pt1, Point pt2) {
- return (absint (pt1.h - pt2.h) + absint (pt1.v - pt2.v));
- } /*pointdist*/
- void centerrect (Rect *rcentered, Rect rcontains) {
- /*
- center the first rectangle within the second rectangle.
- */
- register short height, width;
- Rect r;
- r = *rcentered;
- width = r.right - r.left;
- r.left = rcontains.left + ((rcontains.right - rcontains.left - width) / 2);
- r.right = r.left + width;
- height = r.bottom - r.top;
- r.top = rcontains.top + ((rcontains.bottom - rcontains.top - height) / 2);
- r.bottom = r.top + height;
- *rcentered = r;
- } /*centerrect*/